Adam Carrington and Bob Archer

New endowed professorship established at AU by Bob and Jan Archer

Published on Sep. 23, 2024
Ashbrook Center

ASHLAND, Ohio – A passionate educator has returned home, thanks to the support of dedicated community members Bob and Jan Archer. The Archers donated $1 million to set up the Archer Endowed Position in American History & Politics at Ashland University, a position that is first being held by 2007 Ashland alumnus Adam Carrington, Ph.D.

Funds from the endowed professorship will be used for the outstanding faculty member’s scholarly activity and travel. The faculty member will fulfill a normal course load—Carrington is teaching classes on the American presidency and understanding politics this fall—and all of the typical activities of a professor on tenure track.

“I think (Adam’s) teaching methods will be so well received by the Ashbrook Scholars, as well as all AU students. They’re going to learn so much from him … he’s the cream of the crop,” said Bob Archer. “The only way to get him (was) to set up an endowed chair, and we were happy to do so.”

“I’m deeply thankful to the Archers for this vote of confidence and really hope I can act in a way, teach in a way, conduct myself in a way that is worthy of it and in line with the school’s mission and really just try to be a part of the great community here,” stated Carrington. “It’s an honor. I’m very humbled.”

Carrington, who earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and religion and was an Ashbrook Scholar at AU, spent the previous 10 years at Hillsdale College where he served as an associate professor of politics. He instructed both undergraduate and graduate students in the Van Andel Graduate School of Statesmanship, teaching courses on the U.S. Constitution, constitutional law, the American presidency and politics and literature.

Carrington, who holds a Ph.D. in political science from Baylor University, has been published in scholarly journals on matters of American political institutions, especially the judiciary, and presented at multiple conferences. But, he is most proud of being selected as the 2018 Professor of the Year at Hillsdale, as nominated and voted on by the senior class. He hopes to make a similar impact at Ashland.

“Ashland has always meant a lot to me. It really put me on the track I’m on now. The professors that were here at the time, the classes, the staff, just the overall institution … really showed me what a good education was,” Carrington said. “I didn’t come to Ashland thinking I was going to be a college professor, didn’t think that was even possible. They really not only showed me that it was possible, they made it possible. So, I’m very thankful and hopeful I can give back … just a little bit of what Ashland has given me and maybe help other students in similar situations realize their potential and realize what they’re capable of.”

The endowed professorship came to be during a chance encounter when the Archers were visiting Hillsdale. Upon meeting Carrington at a luncheon, they were immediately impressed.

“We were talking for a long time about education, why I liked being part of college life,” recalled Carrington. “I thought I was selling Hillsdale … then later learned that Mr. Archer was interested in seeing if there were ways that I can kind of come back home.”

Carrington was not only thrilled at the opportunity “to return back to a place that feels like home and to give back in some way,” but also to help grow Ashland.

“I’m being given the chance to really step up and start helping to build some things, some programming within the Ashbrook Center,” Carrington said. “The vision that I heard … going forward (from) the people I talked to, I said that sounds like a good place to come back to.”