Francesca Depue modeling AU sweatshirt

Francesca Depue: Appreciative of "real world examples" and "multiple points of view" at AU

Published on Dec. 15, 2021
Student Affairs

Francesca Depue, from Lucas, Ohio, earned an associate degree in business administration two weeks before she got her high school diploma via the College Now Program. In a few days, she will add another Ashland degree, a bachelor's in business administration after double majoring in supply chain management and marketing. The "real world examples" provided during her classwork at the Dauch College of Business and Economics, plus the experience from two part-time jobs and an internship, have Depue ready to take on the real world.

What was it about AU that made you feel welcome? I just loved the environment. I visited AU as a sophomore in high school through a career class opportunity. I loved how the faculty interacted with me. I came from a small high school, but that didn’t have anything to do with picking a small school like AU. But, I do like the feel of a small classroom, and how closely professors work with students.

In what ways has Ashland University taught you how to think? Any specific examples? A lot of the classes at AU center around real world examples where multiple points of views are taught. That gives students a chance to evaluate all sides more closely, whether it’s a personal or business matter. When you are given the opportunity to see different sides, then you come up with your own conclusions. That’s what learning “how” to think means to me.

How will learning how to think benefit you in the future? It allows me to make educated decisions based on my opinion and the opinions of others. It also lets you stay away from possibly offending someone because you learn to respect their views, even if you don’t agree with them. And, the real world examples used in the classroom will help me in the future.

How has AU helped make college affordable? Through scholarships, of course. What AU does really well is communicate when scholarships are available. This is helpful, especially during COVID.

How has AU helped you find your passion or purpose for the future? I got a lot of my passion from hearing from all the professors about their experiences in the field. A lot of professors at AU are retired business professionals. I really enjoyed hearing about their experiences, and how they developed into professionals.  It’s inspiring.

How did AU help you create a success plan for reaching your goals? From the time you’re a freshman, you’re on a degree plan. You meet with a counselor who makes sure you are on the right path. Then, you work with an academic advisor in your major. They are very attentive to the student, their education and goals.

If a current high school senior is considering attending AU or another university, what would you tell them about AU to help them make the decision to become an Eagles interested in learning a lot by hearing about real world experience, instead of only textbook work, Ashland is for them.

Tell me about someone who mentored you at AU. Academic advisor Robert Stoll. He's the head of the supply chain department. And, Kristen Hovsepian (assistant professor of marketing). She’s so fun, and a great mentor to a lot of students.

Tell me about an internship or other applied learning experience you’ve had and how it benefitted you. I’m interning at ARTIFLEX. AU helped me get it. I’m a supply chain and marketing intern. I do procurement, communications, MRO purchasing, sales/leads. I love it. Great hands-on work that will help in my future.

What experience have you had at AU that’s helped you learn to be a leader? When you work on so many different projects as a group, you have the opportunity to be a leader. A “leader” is defined differently by people. I like leading a team, making sure everyone is accountable and that things are done properly. In my marketing class, we’re putting together a marketing plan for Access. We’re coming up with events, using social media platforms and a lot of other exciting stuff.

Why did you choose your specific major? At first, I thought I would be a fashion merchandising major. But I changed to supply chain management. It’s a niche degree with a great job market. And, I always had an interest in marketing because my mother has been a marketer her entire career. I couldn’t pick between the two, so I majored in both.

What’s your favorite thing about Ashland? The relationship professors have with students. I like how professors instruct, and how they speak to students. They’re engaged. Are they our superiors? Yes, but it doesn’t feel that way sometimes because of the friendly connection. I even have some professors’ cell phone numbers in case I need something.

How did Ashland broaden your horizons as a person? Ashland provides a lot of opportunities both in the school and outside. Ashland has a diverse student body, which lets students expand their viewpoints and become a more better-rounded person.