Ashland Area Chorus’ spring season starts Monday, Jan. 6
ASHLAND, Ohio – The Ashland Area Chorus, a community-based mixed choir, will begin its 2025 spring season on Monday, Jan. 6. The AAC is welcoming new members.
There are weekly rehearsals for the chorus on Monday nights from 7-8:30 p.m., in room 242 of Ashland University’s Center for the Arts.
“The AAC will perform a program of beautiful music, including Mozart’s Solemn Vespers, at the AU choral concert in April,” said Ron Blackley, director of choral activities and professor of music at AU. “This is the perfect time to join. You may simply show up or you may contact the director ahead of time.”
The chorus is open to the entire Ashland community and beyond. Singers have come from Richland, Medina, Wayne, Holmes and Crawford counties as well. Previous choral experience is helpful and encouraged. While there are no strict age limits, singers under 18 must be approved by the director.
The AAC has performed at regular AU concerts, with the Ashland Symphony Orchestra and for the Ohio Choral Directors Association. Recent appearances have included subscription concerts with the ASO and the summer pops concert in the park.
Current members are encouraged to ask their talented friends and neighbors to attend rehearsals and make a vocal contribution to this fine musical organization. For further information, please contact Ron Blackley at or 419-289-5114.