Mohican District Science Day Registration
- Register online through ProjectBoard. All entries must be registered in advance and online by Monday, February 26, 2025. T-shirt and registration fees also must be postmarked by this date.
- Please use formal names for registration (no nicknames).
- Both students and their teachers must register for the event individually. Please ensure that your registration form is complete before submission. When creating your online account, do not use a school email address as your primary email address. Restrictions placed on some school accounts may prevent registrants from receiving emails from the site administrator with further instructions or questions.
- Teachers: You must complete registration before your students may submit their forms. You will receive a code for your students to use when they register.
- Students: Please complete all required fields during registration. Use the dropdown menus to identify your school and teacher. Indicate “Other” only if your school does not appear on the list.
- Teams: Each team member must register and pay the registration fee individually. Ensure that all team members register under the same project category.
- The registration fee is $30. Make checks payable to “Mohican District Science Day.” Payment may be delivered to the District Office in-person or by mail at the following address:
Mohican District Science Day
c/o Jeff Steele
401 College Avenue
College of Arts and Sciences
Ashland University
Ashland, Ohio 44805
- T-Shirts may be ordered as part of the registration process. T-shirt order forms may be downloaded, printed and sent to the above mailing address along with registration fees. T-Shirts are $15.00 each ($18 for 2X, 3X and 4X).
- Registration for Special Awards is optional. Students are limited to two Special Awards; a list can be found on our home page.
Students who apply for the Outstanding Student Award (grades 9 - 12 only) must upload their research reports in addition to the required forms.
Completed forms must be uploaded during the online registration process, either as PDF or JPG files. Forms to upload include the consent form, ISEF forms 1, 1A, 1B and any other ISEF forms required for individual projects as described below:
Special Instructions Regarding Live Animals, Hazardous Substances, Etc.
- Students must complete a Checklist for Adult Sponsor (Form 1), Research Plan (Form 1A) and Approval Form (Form 1B) prior to conducting research, as developed by Science Service for participation in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.
- Students with projects involving research risks or issues and special protocols (see 1-7 below) will be accepted for competition at District and State Science Days only if a copy of the approved Checklist for Adult Sponsor (Form 1), Research Plan (Form 1A), Approval Form (Form 1B), Consent Form and any other special forms are uploaded to ProjectBoard.
- Students in grades 9-12 who expect to compete in a regional fair or in one of the Buckeye Science and Engineering Fairs leading to the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) must complete a Checklist for Adult Sponsor (Form 1), Research Plan (Form 1A) and Approval Form (Form 1B), as well as all other general required forms.
- Student research projects involving the following must be approved by a locally-appointed Scientific Review Committee prior to conducting research trials, collecting data or performing experiments.
- Live vertebrate animals (including observation projects)
- Human subjects
- Recombinant DNA
- Controlled substances
- Hazardous substances and devices
- Human and nonhuman animal tissues
- Pathogenic agents
- If a live vertebrate animal was used in a student’s research, s/he must have a copy of Vertebrate Animal Form 5B with Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee certificate.
To help determine which forms are necessary for your project, a Forms Wizard has been created.