Judging Criteria for Individual and Team Projects

Criteria Max Points

Depth of Understanding (considering student’s age and grade level)

Experimental or Engineering Design 15
Oral, Written & Visual Communication 10
Originality and Creativity 5


Each criterion is rated and 40 points is the maximum total score.


Range is 36-40 points

Excellent Range is 24-35 points
Good Range is 0-23 points

Science Days shall have an abstract and a written report which documents that the student has stated a question and/or tested a hypothesis, searched relevant literature, collected and analyzed data and drawn conclusions.

Rejudging Scores

Two judges will evaluate each project for Ohio Academy of Science ratings. If each judge grants a total score within any one rating category (Superior, Excellent or Good), that specific rating will be granted and no rejudging is permitted. 

Rejudging is automatic and is permissible only if all three of the following conditions apply:

  • The judges’ final ratings are in different categories
  • The average of the judges’ scores is in the lower category
  • The judges differ in their total points by more than five points

Eligibility for Virtual State Science Fair

All students earning a superior rating will be eligible to attend the State Science Day.

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