The International Spectacular
April 19, 2024
9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
John C. Myers Convocation Center
Hosted by Ashland University

Topical Categories
- Holidays, birthdays, and weddings
- Cultural business practices
- Educational practices
- Focus on a Major: Students may speak on an aspect of their current majors as it relates to their home countries.
Presenters may bring handouts and slide presentations, if they like.
Cultural Performance Categories
- Vocal
- Instrumental
- Dance
- Fashion Show
- Arts and Crafts
- Drama
Each performance may be given in an individual, small group, or large group format.
Students may sign up for one presentation, one performance, one arts/crafts, and one fashion show appearance per person.
Dress Code
Business casual attire/Traditional costumes
Instruments and Background Music
Students may play our piano live, or they may play their own background music through our sound system. Background music should be suitable for people of all ages.
Performance Style
Please perform traditional styles of dance and music in order to showcase the distinctive artforms found in students' own countries.
Early Bird Pricing = $35 each
(Register before February 14th!)
Regular Pricing = $45 each
One free sponsor per group
Every group of ten students earns your school an entry for a $25 Amazon gift card!
All international students are encouraged to participate, no matter their level of education or English language ability.
9:30 | Registration |
10:00 | Welcome |
10:30 | Presentation Sessions A |
11:30 | Presentation Sessions B |
12:30 | Lunch |
1:30 | Presentation Sessions C |
2:30 | Cultural Performances |
3:30 | Fashion Show |
4:30 | Departure |

Please park in Lot E.
The Convocation Center is to the left of the lot.
See Building 32 on the map.