Sharleen Mondal, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English
302 Center for the Humanities of Bixler Hall
Area of Specialty
Race, gender, class and sexuality in literature and film
- Author of Hindu Widows as Religious Subjects: The Politics of Christian Conversion and Revival in Colonial India and Whiteness, Miscegenation, and Anti-Colonial Rebellion in Rudyard Kipling’s The Man Who Would Be King; co-author of Developing a Collaborative Faculty-Librarian Information Literacy Project
- Joined Ashland University in 2011
- Teaches Victorian Writers, Eighteenth-Century English Literature, African Literature, Postcolonial Literature, Literature and Gender and African American Literature courses
- Director of the Ashland University Research and Writing Community
- Master Coach for the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity
- Ph.D. in English Literature and Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies – University of Washington
- M.A. in English Literature – University of Washington
- B.A. in English Literature and Minor in Women’s Studies – Texas A&M