graphic of WRDL Halloween party

WRDL Halloween Party

Date and time:
Thursday, Oct. 31, 2024 at 7 p.m. EDT to
Thursday, Oct. 31, 2024 at 10 p.m. EDT

Ashland University’s award-winning, student-run radio station, WRDL 88.9 FM(link is external), is hosting its first annual Halloween Costume and Dancy Party celebration on Thursday, Oct. 31, from 7-10 p.m., at Redwood Hall.

“All AU students, faculty and staff are invited to a spooky night of costumes, dancing, candy and prizes,” said WRDL Faculty Advisor and General Manager Derek Wood.

WRDL is also broadcasting the event live to the campus and community. Those without an Eagle Card can listen over the air or online at the radio station’s website. The event was created following the success of the station’s total solar eclipse event in April.

In addition to regularly scheduled programming, Wood believes WRDL is known for its holiday celebrations and specialty broadcasts. The radio station broadcasts the City of Ashland’s Christmas parade each December and July 4th fireworks soundtrack each July. “You can add Halloween to that list now,” said Wood. “And, don’t forget College Radio Day each fall and Vinylthon each spring.”

Matt Miller, the mayor of Ashland, is serving as one of three judges for the event's costume contest, which will award prizes to the top 3 contestants. Like Wood, Miller is an AU alumnus.

WRDL can be heard in 10 counties across North Central Ohio on 88.9 FM and streaming live to any device online at is external). WRDL is certified and recognized by the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System and is a member of the Ohio Association of Broadcasters. WRDL supports the academic mission of the Journalism & Digital Media Department at Ashland University. For information about JDM, visit