Career Coaching at the Career Center for Life Calling
Gain personalized attention through career coaching. What can we help with?
- Coaching you through exploring major or career options
- Preparing you for job searching
- Writing and drafting career documents, like cover letters and resumes
- Empowering you to set short-term action steps to work toward long-term career goals
Whatever you need assistance with, our professional career coaches customize appointments to meet your priorities.

We value punctuality and professionalism, so please note that if you arrive 5 or more minutes late to your scheduled appointment, we will cancel your appointment, and you will be asked to reschedule your visit to the CCLC. If you schedule an appointment and then have to cancel, please do so at least 24 hours in advance so someone else can schedule in that time slot.
Mock Interviews with a Career Coach
Have an upcoming job interview or going to a career & internship fair? Schedule a mock interview with a career coach to prepare and receive constructive feedback about how to improve your interviewing skills. All appointments can be scheduled via Handshake.
Don't have time to make an appointment? Utilize this resource document

Handshake is a career services platform that allows organizations to post employment opportunities, coordinate professional events and career fairs and promote networking and communication between businesses and like-minded individuals.
The Career Center for Life Calling uses Handshake and encourages all Ashland University students to create an account. Through Handshake, you can apply for university jobs (both on- and off-campus), attend virtual career fairs and network with employers and peers.
Students can log in to Handshake using your AU email address and password using single sign-on (Need help? Check out these instructions).

Upcoming Events
All upcoming events for students can be found on Handshake, including the Ashland University Career & Internship Fair. With job and internship opportunities, professional head shots and more throughout the year, our career & internship fairs and networking events are a great way to get your foot in the door with employers. Check out the Events tab in Handshake to see events run by the Career Center for Life Calling and more.

Ashland University Career Closet
First impressions matter and dressing for success is a must, whether it be for your job interview, your internship, or attending a career & internship fair on campus. The Ashland University Career Closet provides students with the professional attire and accessories they need to succeed. If you need to expand your wardrobe with business professional clothing for job interviews, career fairs, or a new job/internship, schedule a Career Closet appointment in Handshake to "shop" our selection of pre-owned and new business professional clothing. Items and sizes available vary. We will make every effort to provide each student with one full outfit or with the specific item(s) needed. A student stylist will guide you in your one-on-one appointment.
If you have extra or unwanted professional attire, please donate it to the Career Closet. We only accept clean clothing in good to new condition. To make donations, please contact us at 419-289-5064 or to set up an appointment for drop-off.
All items are yours to keep and free of charge.

Workshops for Student Organizations
Interested in having a member of the Career Center for Life Calling host a workshop for your class, organization, office or team? We'd love to collaborate with you to bring a professional development workshop to life. Workshops are described in the form, so select which workshop you're interested, and we'll get in touch with you. Questions? Reach out directly to Brandon Wells, our life calling career coach at

Services for Graduate Students
Considering a career change and not sure if graduate school is a part of the picture? Alumni and current students can sign up for an appointment with the Career Center for Life Calling in Handshake to schedule an MBA career coaching appointment. We also encourage you to schedule an appointment with a professor in the academic discipline you wish to pursue.
Additionally, current graduate students at Ashland University can access Handshake to make appointments with career coaches to get help with resume and cover letter assistance, career change guidance, job searching tips and more. Handshake is a career services platform that connects students with both employers and the Career Center for Life Calling.
- Current graduate students will be able to log in to Handshake using their Ashland email account.
- Once students log in, click on the link to the Ashland University Career Center, which will direct you to our appointment scheduler and other resources specifically curated for Ashland University students.