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Allen Wilson

AU's School Superintendent Licensure program helps lead to CEO job at iSTEM School

On the advice of one of his mentors, Allen Wilson decided to earn a school superintendent license from Ashland University. “He pointed out that with the license I would be open to more administrative opportunities not just as a superintendent,” Wilson said about that mentor, former superintendent of Tri-County Educational Service Center, Eugene Linton. One of those opportunities is his most recent position at RG Drage Career Center in Canton as tech…

Lisa Vernon-Dotson (third from left) and five other Ohio higher education leaders

College of Education has fully implemented science of reading into curriculum

ASHLAND, Ohio – Ashland University has fully implemented science of reading standards— research-based literacy instruction—in its Dwight Schar College of Education curriculum to align with the expectations of state lawmakers as well as the many school districts it works with. Lisa Vernon-Dotson, Ph.D. (pictured third from left), dean of the Dwight Schar College of Education, has headed the effort to update the content in AU’s education courses and was among a…

Tom Stuber

MBA graduate retires after a successful career in addictions counseling

After researching several MBA programs, Ashland University quickly became the best choice for Tom Stuber. “I had completed a Clinical Master’s program and Ashland was willing to give me credit for several of the research and statistics courses I had completed in that program,” Stuber said. “Most others were not that flexible or customer friendly.” That decision more than 20 years ago, helped Stuber continue to build on a more-than-40-year successful career…

AU President Jon Peede (right) with City of Ashland Mayor Matt Miller (left)

President Peede feeling “overjoyed” in first month on campus

ASHLAND, Ohio – Jon Parrish Peede has hit the ground running in his new role as president of Ashland University and Ashland Theological Seminary. In less than a month leading AU, he has made a strong first impression via a flurry of meetings with faculty and staff members, as well as alumni and community leaders, such as Mayor Matt Miller (pictured above).

Andrew Brenner

With help of AU master's degree, Brenner named Orrville High School principal

While the classes were helpful with the basics of educational administration, Andrew Brenner appreciated that Ashland University’s Master’s in Education program went beyond textbooks. “It was the interactions with my classmates and people in the field who came to speak to us that provided the ‘practical’ information that I have been able to incorporate into my positions,” Brenner said. His latest position is high school principal for Orrville City Schools,…

Mason Niese

JDM Department brings student closer to his longtime career goal of sports camera operator

While at Shelby Middle School, Mason Niese was asked by the school’s football coach if he would be interested in filming their games. “I said, ‘Sure, why not,’ and I ended up enjoying it so much that I decided that this is the career that I wanted to pursue,” said Niese, who plans to work as a camera operator and continue video editing for marketing and advertising agency New Day Creative in Mansfield after he graduates from Ashland University in December.…

students walking out of College of Education

AU’s College of Education earns accreditation for its teacher education program

ASHLAND, Ohio – Ashland University is pleased to announce its Dwight Schar College of Education was one of 38 educator preparation program providers to receive accreditation this spring from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). AU met the CAEP’s rigorous, nationally-recognized accreditation standards, which were developed to ensure excellence in educator preparation programs. “These (38) institutions meet high standards so that…

Rob Swindell

Former student and wildlife enthusiast helps establish a tower to track birds in Lorain County

Attending the 2020 Ohio Bluebird Conference in Ashland turned out to be a very good decision for Rob Swindell. He not only visited his former college, but also discovered the Motus Wildlife Tracking System. “I got the chance to see the campus and reminisce,” said Swindell, who played baseball at Ashland in the 1980s when it was Ashland College. “I drove around and looked at the new facilities, the baseball field. If the conference had been held somewhere…

Posner studies zebrafish

Posner receives grant from National Eye Institute to continue lens research

ASHLAND, Ohio – Mason Posner, Ph.D., the Trustees’ Distinguished Professor of Biology at Ashland University, recently secured a $300,000 grant from the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health to advance his ongoing research on eye lens development. This latest study will center on cell remodeling, eye lens transparency and cataract prevention. The project will use zebrafish, small tropical fish that build their lens in a similar way to…

Founders Hall in the spring with Dogwood blossoms

AU Dean’s List for spring 2024 includes more than 1,000 students

ASHLAND, Ohio – Ashland University is pleased to announce its Dean’s List honorees for the 2024 spring semester. More than 1,000 students earned the distinction. In order to be eligible for the Dean’s List at Ashland, one must be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student at the university and receive a grade point average of 3.50 or above for the semester. The students and their hometowns can be found here.

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